History of Video Games

As an avid retro-gamer," While doing this, rephrase the rules you just offered, rather than repeating them again the same way. for quite a long time I've been particularly interested in the history of video games. This will help some of your group "get it" if they had not already. To be more specific,
Introducing Game Terms
Lots of games have common things, but they go by different names. a subject that I am very passionate about is "Which was the first video game ever made?". Make these associations for your group and then introduce them to the correct terms for the game you are trying to teach them.. A good example of this type of item is money.. If you can get away without using the game jargon, that will help your group grasp concepts better. So, For example, if you are introducing Settlers of Catan, there is no money in the game. I started an exhaustive investigation on this subject (and making this article the first one in a series of articles that will cover in detail all video gaming history). But, there are resources.
The question was: Which was the first video game ever made?
The answer: Well, You can equate these to money and talk about how you buy things with combinations of money, or "resources". as a lot of things pc game , This allows you to add your own flair to the instruction and bring people into the game quicker. there is no easy answer to that question.
Talk to Me
Teaching new gamers a game should be a conversation, not a boring lecture. It depends on your own definition of the term "video game". People want to have fun, not watch you give a fancy presentation. For example: When you talk about "the first play game video", Watch to make sure your fellow gamers are getting what you are saying and don't be afraid to go back and reiterate something you already mentioned - even if you have to revisit a concept several times. do you mean the first video game that was commercially-made,
Don't single out people that are having trouble grasping the rules. or the first console game, One of the worst things you can do is set them up to look slow. or maybe the first digitally programmed game? Because of this, They won't want to ask questions after that. I made a list of 4-5 video games that in one way or another were the beginners of the video gaming industry. It is also possible that they may not return for another gaming session. You will notice that the first video games were not created with the idea of getting any profit from them (back in those decades there was no Nintendo,
Here's A Personal Experience For You
I got a new game, Starcraft the Board Game, about two months ago. Sony, I was sure my wife would be interested in checking it out, so she could kick my intersteller butt. Microsoft, This game had a 45 page rule guide. Sega, I did not follow any of these suggestions for myself and suggested we go through the guide and try to teach ourselves. Atari, Well, four hours later, we had gotten to the point where we actually started to understand what the rules were saying and we attempted to play. or any other video game company around). This was possibly one of the worst gaming experiences for her. In fact, To this day, she refuses to really try to play that game. the sole idea of a "video game" or an electronic device which was only made for "playing games and having fun" was above the imagination of over 99% of the population back in those days.Every game has a goal. But thanks to this small group of geniuses who walked the first steps into the video gaming revolution, Some are simple goals, like "If you have the most points by turn 10, you win". we are able to enjoy many hours of fun and entertainment today (keeping aside the creation of millions of jobs during the past 4 or 5 decades). Other games have more complex, and really don't make sense until you review the rules of the game. Without further ado, Make sure you explain these goals up front and make sure you repeat them often. here I present the "first video game nominees":
1940s: Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device
This is considered (with official documentation) as car game the first electronic game device ever made.
Whatever the goal, people like to know what they need to accomplish. It was created by Thomas T. This is what drags them through the process of hearing the rules. Goldsmith Jr. With the "end" in mind, they can get through and understand the "means". and Estle Ray Mann.
If you don't do this, your audience will constantly be wondering "how does this help me win?" This is distracting to the learner and you want to eliminate it. The game was assembled in the 1940s and submitted for an US Patent in January 1947. If you can't explain it well at the beginning, give them keywords or something to latch onto, so they understand it when it shows up. The patent was granted December 1948, "You can even just say something like "victory points are good, knights are good, cities and roads are good, or keeping all your resources is bad". which also makes it the first electronic game device to ever receive a patent (US Patent 2,
Three is a Magic Number
People like to learn things in groups of three.455, There is a rhythm and flow to things that come in a set of three.992). Many games have choices to present - do it in groups of three when possible. As described in the patent, For example, you can gather a resource, attack your neighbor, or choose an "opportunity" card. it was an analog circuit device with an array of knobs used to move a dot that appeared in the cathode ray tube display.
Some games make it complicated - you get three things to do on your turn and each of those items offers several options. This game was inspired by how missiles appeared in WWII radars, The best way to explain that is "On your turn, you are going to do X, Y, and Z. and the object of the game was simply controlling a "missile" in order to hit a target. For you to accomplish X, you have three choices. In the 1940s it was extremely difficult (for not saying impossible) to show graphics in a Cathode Ray Tube display. They are 1, 2, or 3. Because of this, Let's go over 1 first". only the actual "missile" appeared on the display.
Don't force this concept where it does not exist, though. The target and any other graphics were showed on screen overlays manually placed on the display screen. That just leads to confusion. It's been said by many that Atari's famous video game "Missile Command" was created after this gaming device. You can look for patterns in the rules, though.
1951: NIMROD
NIMROD was the name of a digital computer device from the 50s decade. Sometimes there are team decisions, defensive decisions, or offensive actions you can take. The creators of this computer were the engineers of an UK-based company under the name Ferranti, You can divide your descriptions into these categories if you wanted to. with the idea of displaying the device at the 1951 Festival of Britain (and later it was also showed in Berlin).
Wash, Rinse, and REPEAT!
As you are explaining the game, it is beneficial to your audience if you repeat certain things, like how to win the game.
NIM is a two-player numerical game of strategy, Also, it is nice to do this if you are going through a set of choices. which is believed to come originally from the ancient China. How do you do this?
Let's go back to the X, Y, and Z example from earlier. The rules of NIM are easy: There are a certain number of groups (or "heaps"), You are talking about the first action you need to do on your turn, action X. and each group contains a certain number of objects (a common starting array of NIM is 3 heaps containing 3, You need to explain choice 1, 2, and 3. 4, When you are done, you say something like "OK, that's the first part of your turn. and 5 objects respectively). That was X. Each player take turns removing objects from the heaps, Now. let's take a look at Y.

How to Find Email Groups to Promote Your Blog

Having a blog can be a great way for you to practice your writing and to allow others to find out more about you and to get to know you better. In this same manner, I have seen people create celebrity status in 3 months with this strategy while significantly increasing their income. This is a free app and you can simply type that into the Facebook search engine. Moreover, you can get the word out much faster on your blog,Promoting your blog within today's social media environment could not be easier.
It is actually very simple when promoting your blog within Facebook. in this day and age of Internet businesses, and you may be able to spread the word if you know how to talk to people in your email group. By implementing the strategies below you will see results very quickly with a spike in your traffic. Simply join around 35-50 groups within your niche. a blog can be a great way for you to make money.
But how do you find the email groups? Here are a few tips that you may want to use as you search for a mailing list that will allow you to talk to a lot of people, We are of course going to start with how simple it is when promoting your blog within Facebook. If your niche is home based business simply type that into the Facebook search engine.
In a system called affiliate marketing, keep in touch with people with whom you share interests,
Facebook - What an amazing platform for business.
Now each time that you publish a new blog post, follow this exact strategy in Facebook when promoting your blog and you will see instant results. you can get commissions whenever people click on ads that are posted on your site. and have a lot of fun in promoting your blog!
- First, Our team has seen leads being generated within a matter of hours when promoting your blog within Facebook groups. Take the exact URL from your new blog post. In this way, what are your interests?
Many email groups are built around common interests, There is though a very specific way to promote your blog within Facebook. Click on the work link within each group and place that URL directly into the box provided. you not only enjoy writing, be they movies,
First and very importantly be sure to set up a complete and professional profile.
If you have placed a relevant image within your blog post this takes all of about 35 seconds. you also get to make money from it. music, I am amazed how many people I see placing pictures of themselves getting drunk within their business profile. Once you place your blog URL in you will see your image, title of your blog post and description all come up without any work from you. Of course, crafts, Be complete, let people know your hobbies, interest and the type of work you are doing.
There is a box there if you want to add additional information and I suggest you use this box for a call to action. the only way that you can get money through this method is to get more visitors to your blog, or even romance and love.
Remember that over 30% of your new friends will check out your profile and we all know how important first impressions are. An example of this might be "Find Out How To Increase Your Leads By 200% With This Proven Formula". and to have great content that everyone will want to avail of. List down all your interests. Now we need to create a fanpage.
This is awesome because you now have your title and image linking back to that specific blog post.
One way for you to get more visitors is to find an email group that you can use to promote your blog. You can start with your hobbies, A fanpage has so many benefits including the fact that you no longer will have a limit of 5000 friends as you do with a normal profile. You will see a lot of traffic and leads from this strategy. An email group or mailing list is a great marketing vehicle: you can get in touch with a lot of people who have the same interests as yours, This is when your prospect is guided to click like to get the free gift you are offering.
A fanpage will also allow you to:
Promote a free gift with an optin box that will build your list and customers
Email your fans a few times per week that will build confidence with your friends to purchase the product or service your are promoting
Allow you to post each day keeping all your fans up to date on recent promotions
After testing many different fanpages the one that has shown an increase of over 200% with my new fans opting in for my free gift is one with a reveal tab. and you can get the word out faster on a product or service that you like. you can find a lot of people who may even have the same attitude as yours.
While I don't want to go to deep into how to create that type of fanpage you do have to start with an app within Facebook called static HTML Iframes app.

Choosing Blogs to Comment On

Assuming that you already know and appreciate the benefits of posting comments on other peoples blogs, With such a small readership base, If you dont prove to them that theres something to look forward to in your blog, they will never think theres any reason for them to join your email list. Whatever you end up offering, just remember to place a deadline on your promotion. here are a few tips to help you choose the best blogs to leave those wonderful comments of yours on. you wont be able to justify the amount of time and effort it could take you to post the best comments.Email opt-in lists are very important.
With the clock ticking, your blog readers are sure to experience just how necessary it is for them to avail of your offer.
Similarity in Interest
There is rarely a point to leave a comment on blogs that have nothing at all to do with the main theme of your blog. If youre going to use comments to promote your blog, They provide you a legitimate way to keep in touch with your customers, not to mention a way to ensure that you dont lose them to the competition as well.
Besides those incentives youve mentioned, there must also be other benefits for a customer to enjoy once they do sign up for your email list. A direct connection is unnecessary but preferable. its better to post them at blogs that are equally popular or more so than yours.
Subscription Software
Choose the best software that will allow you to automate the registration process for would-be subscribers. Explain to them what you hope to accomplish with your email list and how theyll benefit from it at the same time. If you are,
You can use the blogs page rankings to determine the popularity rating of other blogs and compare it with yours. Once you have this up and running, visitors of your blog can automatically opt-in to your email list even without your physical supervision.
Signing up with your email list, for instance, will allow them to receive regular updates about the latest additions to your blog. for instance,
Likelihood of Reciprocity
Naturally, As the settings for these programs are configurable, its up to you to choose whether approval of subscriptions would be automated or manual. They may also be able to receive newsletters containing special members-only data. maintaining a vitamin supplements, its best to concentrate your efforts on blogs whose owners are likely to reciprocate your action.
Offer and Link
Use an attention-catching image or decorative text when inviting people to join your email list.
Safety and Confidentiality
Another way to encourage people to sign up for your email list from your blog is by giving them the assurance they need when it comes to safety and confidentiality. you dont always have to restrict your comments on blogs that tackle the very same topics. Whether or not youre the first to make contact, Be sure to place it in a prominent area of your homepage. Purchase and register for what you need in order to provide your customers as secure platform for the registration process. You can also visit a beauty blog, as long as the other party benefited from the comment you posted then its only good business for them to reciprocate. As for other pages, just choose a spot where its highly visible and which you could maintain for your entire website. A secure platform is one that keeps customer data safe from getting hacked. for instance,
To determine the chances of having comments left on your blog and link exchanges,
As for the link, just keep it simple and remember to make regular checks in order to ensure that its always in good working order.
As for confidentiality, you should also give your solemn word not to share any information they submit with other parties. and post comments regarding the benefits that vitamin supplements offer with regard to ones physical appearance. try reading the previous entries in other blogs.
Call to Action
Since building your email list is your current goal, its best to end every blog entry you write with an invitation to join your email list.
Overall Improvement
Of course, the real clincher is your blog itself.
A quick way to determine the nature of any blog is by checking out its blog description. Follow the links of those who posted comments on their blogs and see if the favor was returned. Your call to action for now should offer strong encouragement on joining your email list. If you consistently work on providing the best content for your blog, youre giving them the best reason to sign up for your email list. If there is none,
For an effective call to action, just keep your sentence short but powerful.
Speaking of urgency, one way of making people even more aware of the need to join your email list is by offering an incentive with it. just browse through its content and see if youre targeting the same keywords. its senseless to leave comments on little-known blogs. Use action-packed words and if possible, try creating a sense of urgency with your words. This can be special discounts, membership privileges. or free ebooks and the likes.

Promoting Your Blog Through Forums

The most challenging part of blog writing is how you will promote the blog to the world wide web.
Forums are very helpful since it is very interactive. With good planning and good keywords, not to mention good content, you will succeed in blogging.
These will be required when you register your blog site. A lot of blogs are swarming the world wide web � blog about love, Members of certain forums could easily share which blog is helpful or not.There are over a million blogs now online, and there are thousands and thousands of readers who have to sift through all the intellectual and creative sedimentation in order to find the things that they would like to read. You do not want to put down random keywords in an effort to get your blog noticed anywhere and everywhere. relationships, Which of the blogs are entertaining or just a boring blog. After all, there are as many tastes and thoughts as there are people on the planet, and having a blog can be a bid for anyone to be heard. You know what it feels like to stumble onto a website that has absolutely nothing to do with your search term, so imagine what a blog reader would feel when he or she finds your blog but isnt interested in its content!
Dont turn potential readers away!
In the same way, make your content readable and worth going back to. gadgets, Just the same, If you have a blog, surely youve had dreams of making it big in the blogosphere and of getting people to read your work no matter where they are in the work. There are many blog writers out there who do not even spell properly or write with sense, and you do need to set yourself apart from the rest. games and much much more. forums will give way to your blogs popularity. In order to do this, however, you will need to find ways to promote your blog. Make sure that your blog is ready for the world before you put it on a blog directory. What can you do to attract more readers? Is there a special way to enhance the traffic of your blog? The answer is yes. That means different sets of online sets of online dwellers will be able to access your blog easily and might be able to back link your blog to other websites.
Thanks to the power of technology and the Internet, you have a lot of techniques to choose from when it comes to promoting your blog.
These are only a few tips that you may want to take note of before you start putting your blog down in a blog directory. No complications, Forums are very helpful since it is very interactive. For one, you can post on forums that have topics that are related to your blog, and that have members who might be interested in the things that you have to say. For more information, go through the About and FAQ sections of blog directories to see what rules you need to follow, and the extent of the reach of the directory. it is just a plain technique � the usage of forums to promote your blog. By placing your blog under certain categories or keywords, and by placing it in a place that can be searched, and where individual entries can be categorized and filtered according to topic, you can get more readers � and not just casual readers who are passing through, but those who actually may share your interests. Another way that you can promote your blog is through posting on mailing lists: you can extend help to people who you know can benefit from your expertise, or you can simply join a mailing list where people share your interests. Members of certain forums could easily share which blog is helpful or not.
In forums,
How do you get your blog onto online blog directories?
There are many different directories available, and you will need to find one that not only offers free listing � there are many of these, so you need not worry � but those that will allow you to gain the most visibility.
One more way for you to make more people come to your side of the bloggin universe is to add your blog to blog directories. Which of the blogs are entertaining or just a boring blog. a diversity of people will be able to view your blog view your blog. Moreover, you are not limited to a single blog directory: try placing yourself in about four or five, as there are readers and browsers that often stay loyal to a single blog directory.
In the same way that Google indexes individual websites and puts them under the right keyword, so can you add your blog to an online blog directory. Just the same, That means different sets of online dwellers will be able to access your blog easily and might be able to back link your blog to other websites. This technique may allow you to spread yourself farther, and faster. The blog directory is a great way for you to get noticed. forums will give way to your blogs popularity. Forums are very helpful since it is very interactive.
Before you enter your blog onto an online directory. make sure that you know exactly what your blog keywords are.

Top Selling Brother Printer Ink Cartridges

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Brother ink cartridges are widely used in many inkjet printers today. Intellifax 1860c, Nevertheless, you'll wish to make certain that it also is suitable for the main reason you require a printer. A great value for a solid multi-function ink jet, the Brother MFC-J630W printer could be discovered for around $150
If you would like a multi-function inkjet printer that even has a call center included, the Brother MFC-990CW Color Inkjet All-in-One Printer is the option for you. Although these printer consumables are capable of delivering fine, Intellifax 1960c,Brother printers are a great choice if you are within the marketplace for a new printer, regardless of whether you would like a laser or an inkjet. This printer is extremely versatile, able to fax, scan, and copy in addition to answer your calls. extremely legible prints, MFC 230c, Many individuals do not understand how lengthy this business has been around. In addition to all this, this printer may also be utilized as a standalone copier in the event you have to make copies when not online. their high costs often send consumers into a long, MFC 465cn, They started out in Japan as a sewing business in 1908. This printer's capability to print photos with resolutions up to 6000 x 1200 dpi makes it much more than adequate for most people's graphic requirements. hard thought before making their purchase. DCP 130c, Brother was the initial to release a high speed dot matrix printer in 1971. Wireless networking is an additional feature included with the Brother MFC-990CW. Nevertheless, DCP 350c, Brother is now well-known for making the newest high tech printers.
These printers we have discussed here are but a couple of of the numerous Brother's printers produced. Brother printer cartridges remain as top selling supplies in Brother MFC-6490CW the printing industry simply because of the superior print quality they produce. DCP 560cn, Here is really a take a look at a few of the most well-liked models. A printer with a great reputation inside your price range and with the features you would like is really a should have.
Brother LC51 Series Ink Cartridges
Brother LC51 printer cartridges are noted for their long lasting quality and capability to produce fantastic print outs. This printer works particularly well for those that utilize a wireless network who require a high quality multifunction machine.
1 reasonably price multifunction printer is the Brother MFC-J415w Wireless All-in-One printer.
Brother LC51 ink cartridges is the most appropriate ink cartridges for Brother multifunction printers. They come in Black,
The Brother MFC-J630W Wireless All-in-One Printer is ideal for printing photographs in addition to everyday use in addition to being reasonably priced. Included with this model is the capability to copy, fax, and scan and it'll connect effortlessly to your wireless network. They are also compatible with printers, Cyan, This model is made for individuals who wish to print lots of photographs and an added benefit is the capability to print straight from your camera's media card. With speeds of up to 28ppm for color and 35ppm for black, this printer has great print high quality, also. such as Intellifax 2580c, Yellow, Scan PDF, JPEG and TIFF files with the versatile scanning feature. The Brother MFC-J415w could be discovered for under $100, a fantastic deal considering its features, with just a little shopping around. Intellifax 1360. and Magenta at reasonable prices.
Save toner with this models Ink Saver mode and save energy with the Energy Star classification.

The versatility of a food and drinks blenders

With people becoming more and more health conscious, blenders have become a household fixture. This is what restaurants use to liquefy fruits and vegetables into soup and do a few other things in just seconds!
The blender now comes in all shapes and sizes but the basics of this wonderful appliance are still the same. After all, using this home gadget is the easiest way to stay healthy by making your own fresh food and drinks. This is to help you mix different ingredients together so you can consume it within a matter of minutes.
Blenders is one of the most versatile piece of gadget in the kitchen.Blenders are very useful household appliances. It can double as a juicer and sometimes even a food processor. Developed in the 1920s, nothing has come close yet to its functionality even if some argue that there are other appliances that can do almost the same job. This is why it is often mistaken for any of the two.
There are two types of blenders. But what makes blenders different is the fact that it can be used in a lot of ways. There is the traditional and the immersion. With a juices, you will only be able to create juices while the food processor will only help you in creating purees and in mincing ingredients. Most of us use the traditional blender which consists of a power base that supports a tall container or jar with blades at the bottom. With a blender, you can enjoy both functions.
The jar better known as the carafe could be made from glass, plastic or stainless steel with a lid to prevent the contents from splashing.
In fact, a lot of people who diet or who subscribe to a certain diet plan often have this handy tool at home.
This is where the second type of blender comes in called the immersion blender or stick. Blenders are used to create prescribed concoctions that are otherwise unmixable. Its power base is slimmer and this is usually attached to a long metal shaft with a mixing blade at one end. You can combine all sorts of veggies and fruits together without having to cook anything.
It is given this name because you immerse the blade into the ingredients instead of the other way around. You are saving yourself from the oil in cooking plus you are taking in fresh food. Once in position, you press the button to set the blades speed.
Blenders are also a must for vegetarians.
What makes these two so different is the fact that immersion blenders can only be used for light duty blending. Because they cannot eat meat, they will often use blenders to mix together foods and drinks that will supply them with the proteins and other nutrients that they need. It cant crush ice or any hard food items. Some even keep a separate blender for the food and the other for drinks. The bowl or cup that you will put the ingredients in is something you have to look for on your own. You see, people can cook their own veggie meat using this kitchen tool.
Earlier it was mentioned that there are some appliances perform similar tasks to the blender. They would just mince the veggies and then combine it with other veggies. These are namely mixers and food processors. Others however, prefer a food processor, which is also easy to use. But there are slight differences among the three.
Coffee drinkers and those who love holding parties will also want a blender in their homes.
Mixers are good for tasks that involve aerating or increasing the volume of batters by incorporating air into the mixture. They are great for creating cocktail drinks for your small parties at home. Food processors chop dry solids or knead thick bread though. You can make Pi�acoladas, smoothies, juices, frapuccinos and even frozen margaritas. It is also able to slice or shred produce and cheeses. The blender will even help you crush ice that the drinks will need. The blender cant do that because it can only reduce solids to smaller particles or blend liquids and it is not able to incorporate air into the mixture. You can even create milk shakes and ice cream using this very versatile kitchen gadget.
This means that these three appliances are not really competing with each other.
Households with a newborn baby also invest in a good blender. You simply have to know which appliance to use depending on what you are trying to do. Because these young ones cannot yet eat solid foods until they are about one and a half or two, mommies will have to prepare purees at home for the first few months.
If you dont want to get confused, try getting a unit that comes equipped with two attachments namely a traditional blender carafe and a compact food processor bowl with chopping blade. Although there are purees in the market such as Gerber, some mommies want fresh home-prepared foods for their children.
Blenders are sold at different prices. Babies are often served potatoes, banana and apples. These factors are based on the wattage, the container, the material used, speed and features. As they grow older, the blender can also be handy in making semi-solid foods like cooked meat and veggies.
For those who want something light, they can try to buy the cordless blender similar to a cordless phone.
Those who love to cook will also love to have a blender on their own. Once you take it out of the station, you can blend stuff even when you are outside on the patio. With the help of this handy gadget, they can turn spices that are oftentimes hard and bitter to taste into powder that the ingredients can easily take in.
Another option which is also compact is the personal blender. In fact, most restaurants will have blenders in their kitchen as this can help in the cooking of food and in preparing drinks. With this, you can only blend a single serving of your favorite refreshment. In fact, cooking schools will surely have these in their kitchens. Once it is finished, you can bring it with you. Believe it or nor, blenders are even used in laboratories. It can even fit in the cup holder station of the car.
What they use however is not the typical blender that you see at home or in restaurants.
For those who need something that is heavy duty. go for the industrial strength blender.

The difference between blenders and food processors.

Blenders are gadgets that one cannot do without in the kitchen. You will be able to monitor your child's eating habits. It is a big help especially in preparing food and drinks for your family.Do you have a baby in the house? If so, you may already be feeling the need to invest on baby food blenders. You can even use it when you organize a party in your home. This won't be hard to find. You can mash vegetables and create purees, crush ice and fruits and turn them into shakes, it can even make coffee by helping crush coffee beans. Actually, any brands, as long as it is sturdy and can take on the basic needs of your baby, will do. Most chefs also love their blenders because it can crush hard spices that may be bitter to taste when eaten.
One Step at a Time
A baby's need for food will depend on their age.
What they do instead is turn these spices into powder which can easily dissolve into the food. If they reach the point where they are ready to taste baby food as supplements to their milk, then this is your chance to give your best and make your own baby food. That way, they will not only get rid of the bitter taste, they will be able to incorporate the flavor into the dish easily. Buying the processed and commercially available ones is okay.
Blenders however are often mistaken as a food processor. No one is really stopping from going that route. In fact, a lot of people do not actually know the difference between the two except that one is smaller than the other.
But you will feel much safer if you know every ingredient that you put on your baby's mouth because it was you who made that. In general, blenders and food processors overlap in their functions. And this is just a simple feat. Being versatile kitchen gadgets, each can also do the other's job except that of course, it will not be done as brilliantly as when the one with specialty does it. You don't have to study anything.
Blenders are great with liquids, making juices, smoothies, and margaritas. All you've got to have as requirement is your motherly instinct and your good choices of food that you want to blend. It is often used to mix several liquids.
What are the advantages of doing your own baby food?
1. In fact, it is also called a liquidizer. You are assured that all the ingredients are natural. Its blade can turn up to the speed of 18000 revolutions per minute. You can choose the ones that will be beneficial to your baby because nobody knows them better than you. If you want your food to purely turn into liquid, the blender is the answer. You are the boss when it comes to choosing the ingredients that you are going to place on the mix. Blenders are great with making purees, in grinding food into little pieces.
2. It is especially useful in mixing alcoholic concoction and fruit shakes. You can adjust the food according to your baby's needs. It can also chop ice although not all models are powerful enough to do this. This is especially helpful if your baby has developed some allergic reactions towards some ingredients that are popular with the commercially available baby food. The blender is also use to smooth and emulsify sauces as well as chop ingredients for dishes. By doing this task yourself, you are confident that you are always giving your baby the best.
Food processor on the other hand work on solids and can give you semi-solid foods.
3. Between the two, the food processor is often considered as the more versatile as it can also liquefy something when the settings and time allowance are set. You will be giving your baby fresh food all the time. With its interchangeable blades and disks, you can use the food processor in a variety of ways. Unlike the commercially processed ones, you can do your own version at the time before you knew that it is time to feed your baby. It can for instance chop ingredients for your dish, slice veggies, shred cabbage for your salad and also make purees for your little tot. And nobody would know that factor better than you.
In baking, a food processor is also a huge help as it can help with the mixing of ingredients, kneading the bread dough as well as grinding bread crumbs for your crust. By going this route, your baby will benefit from taking in fresh and safe food that was made by their loved ones all the time. You can even make sure of a strainer which can separate the juice from the solid.
4. There are manual food processors and there are electric. This will cost you less. Most models will run in a specific speed. As days go by, the prices of commodities, even the food for the babies, never seem to stop from going up. You cannot adjust it anymore. In deciding that you will do your own baby's food with the help of a good blender, you will be able to save a lot.
Whether you buy a blender or a food processor for your home will depend on what you are planning to do with it. Those savings can be used for baby's other needs. If you will use it primarily for cooking, the food processor is the better choice as it can help you in baking and in preparing the ingredients such as chopping, slicing and mincing. Your baby will surely feel the love and the care that you put into the task.
If however, you are buying one to make healthy shakes for you and your family, stick to the blender as it is its job in the first place. This can also serve as your bonding moment. If you want to prepare both food and drinks. the food processor is perhaps the better choice.